ZAM's FFXIV Item Database Goes Live

Browse through Eorzea's Beta Phase 3 items in the ZAM database!

Update: The ZAM team is very sorry to announce that Square Enix has requested that we remove the items database from the FFXIV site. We would like to assure the community that we are working with Square Enix to get this part of our site back up and running, but at this time, we're unable to determine when that will be.

In the meantime, we appreciate your continued support to grow our thriving forum community. It's become a very enjoyable place to be for both our staff and our community and we are eager to see it grow further as launch date approaches.

Last week, we gave future citizens of Eorzea a peek at our FFXIV tooltips, and even though the item pages themselves weren't yet available, many of you began a guessing game to try to uncover items from the game. The wait is now over! The staff at ZAM is pleased to announce that the items database is live, and you are now free to browse the items list in the new "Items" menu option found under the “Database” tab .

We know that many of you are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the beta keys for our giveaway, just as we are. In the meantime, we hope you'll have fun browsing through the items. Don't forget to add our tooltips script to your site so that you can post and share items with just a simple link! (EEP!!)

Discuss this on the ZAM forums! Have fun and be sure to tell us if anything you find is of particular interest to you!


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