Ask the Devs! (02/10/2011)

The development and management teams continue to address the questions and concerns of the community in an ongoing FAQ. The topic addressed this time around is guild marks.

View the FAQ below or visit the Lodestone.

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The development and management teams continue to address the questions and concerns of the community in an ongoing FAQ. The topic addressed this time around is guild marks.

Guild Marks


What is a guild mark, exactly?


Guild marks are a form of currency, with each guild in Eorzea having its own unique type. These marks may be used at the appropriate guild shops to purchase items or learn abilities, such as those listed below.

Name Class Details Marks Required
Prime Conditioning Pugilist Increases healing effects on you by 10%. 8,000
Self-Preservation Gladiator Increases the length of your guard ability by 50%. 6,000
Fastcast Conjurer Increases your casting speed by 20%. 8,000
Master of Rock Miner Increases your chance to obtain high quality items while gathering. 12,000
Clever Arc Fisher Slows the rate at which a gathering location's remainder decreases. 10,000
Smelting Training Blacksmith A large volume containing detailed instructions on how to make nails and rivets. 5,000
Brand of Wind Weaver Temporarily improves stability of harnessed wind elements. 6,000
Hand of the Gods Alchemist Temporarily reduces chances of success while preventing loss of durability. Most effective for finished items. 12,000


How do I get guild marks?


Guild marks are awarded after the successful completion of levequests and class quests. The differences between guild mark awards between regional and local levequests are outlined below.

Regional Levequests

Awarded after completion of a levequest rank 20 or above.

* Completion of the levequest as a class other than that designated by the guildleve will yield less guild marks.

* The designated class of a levequest is selected from among a player's classes that are rank 10 and above.

Local Levequests

Can sometimes be selected in place of gil as a reward from clients after completion of levequests rank 15 and above.


Where can I view how many guild marks I have?


Navigate to main menu » Inventory, and then select the Currency tab to view the guild marks currently in your possession.


I see that I have enough guild marks to purchase an action from the guild shop, but it still won't let me. What am I doing wrong?


If you have not yet completed class quests up to a certain point, you may be unable to use your guild marks. Items and actions that cannot be purchased are displayed on the vendor list in yellow.


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# Feb 10 2011 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Or... you can fix it so "Completion of the levequest as a class other than that designated by the guildleve will yield less guild marks" If by less they mean zero than they are spot on. If not its broke and needs to be fixed.
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