Painful Memory Spoilers  

Transcripts from the quest Painful Memory - BRD AF1

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Offer and Acceptance

Mertaire: Look at you, a true bard! Me? I think I've finally recovered from the pain of rejection. I couldn't bring myself to throw away the bracelet she gave me, but maybe now is the time. It breaks my heart to cast it away! Please, maybe you could do it for me? Could you throw it away for me?

Adventurer: Oh, I suppose.

Mertaire: Thank you! But this gift is too precious to toss into the garbage… I know! Could you cast it into the Waters of Oblivion at Ranguemont Pass? Good luck, and don't just dump it at some auction house, all right?

Obtained key item: Mertaire's bracelet.

Scene 1

You find the Waters of Oblivion, where you are attacked by the notorious monster Tros. After defeating Tros, you prepare to toss the ring into the waters... but Mertaire comes up behind you.

Scene 2

Mertaire: Wait. I changed my mind. Please, let me throw it in myself."

Mertaire throws his bracelet into the Waters of Oblivion.

Mertaire: Ten... No, a hundred years from now, if the bracelet is ever found, what will cross their minds? Could it be true that the memories of past owners reside within such things? And when I think how we may yet find such a thing, recovering memories buried under the flow of time, it seems sad. Thank you for helping me. Everything seems much clearer now. Here, take this."

You obtain the Paper Knife.

This page last modified 2008-03-31 19:19:09.