Slann (WAR Lore)  

The magic-wielding Slann priests act as the mouthpiece of the Old Ones, and are the rulers of Lizardman society. These bloated, ancient creatures resemble giant frogs and are extremely adept at using magic, though their bodies are frail and weak. Powerfully telepathic, the Slann race shares the task of carrying out the Old Ones' final plan and direct their considerable mental and magical energies towards it.

The Slann, under the direction of the Old Ones separated the continents and changed the orbit of the world to be closer to the sun, thus heating it and helping to bring forth the other races. When the Old Ones vanished from the world, during the coming of Chaos, much of the Slann's knowledge and wisdom was lost forever, recalled only by the oldest among them.

There were five generations of Slann spawned by the Old Ones, though their powers have been much diminished with extreme age. There are no Slann of the first generation alive today, but even their mummified remains are still powerful enough to aid the other Slann in battle. Particularly the body of the Venerable Lord Kroak, who was among the most powerful Slann of the first generation, is still brought forth in battle when great danger arises for Lizardman race. Even the most junior Slann rank among the most powerful magic users in the Warhammer world - by comparison, the powers wielded by the elder Slann are unimaginably more powerful.

Warhammer Online

Category: Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2009-09-22 20:43:28.